Tiscali is a beautiful karst sinkhole between the Valley of Lanaitto in the north and S’Iscala de Surtana in the east. The site has 2 unique and specific characteristics. One is its nuragic village, built between the XV/XIV and IX/VIII centuries b.c., inhabited and renovated during the Roman age (II/I century b.c.). The other one is its micro-climate that allows the development and growth of a particular vegetation, especially cyclamen ( Cyclamen repandum), ash trees ( Fraxinusornus) and the Terebinth ( PistaciaTerebinthus).
Location:Dorgali – Oliena
Ticket: 5 € admission ticket to visit the archeological site
Participants can arrange a possible visit of the caves of Su Bentu and Sa Oche in the Valley of Lanaitto and of the karst spring of Su Gologone
Schedule: Departure at 8:30 am from Orosei, return at around16:00 pm.
Level of difficulty:E = Excursionists
Length: 5,5 km
Gradient: + 350 m
Real duration: 3 hours
Equipment: Hiking boots, packed lunch, minimum 2 L of water